Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions (T&C) describe the terms and conditions that each party accepts by using the websitess www.coverletter.ro and coverletter.tech.

The websites www.coverletter.ro and coverletter.tech (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”) belongs to the company High Availability Solutions S.R.L., hereinafter referred to as “COVERLETTER”, a Romanian company having its registered office in Bucharest, 15 Frumoasa Street, 4th Floor, Apt. 09, Sector 1, 010985 and is registered with the Bucharest Trade Register under no. J40/11394/2009, having tax number RO26278176.

By accessing the websites, you agree to comply with the terms and conditions set forth in the T&C. These Conditions of Use may be amended from time to time and your use of this Website is subject to the T&C in force at the time of the use of the Website. Please check these Conditions of Use regularly to make sure you agree with them. If you do not agree, please do not use the Website.

Website content
The Website is used to connect with clients and prospective candidates for positions for which COVERLETTER provides recruitment consultancy, to make COVERLETTER services known, to post news, information and documents of interest in relation to human resources.

Legal entities interested in the services offered by COVERLETTER can contact the company through the contact form or directly by using the company’s contact details in the website.

The individuals interested in the announcements regarding the available positions may apply for the available roles by sending a CV and/or filling in the application form at the address https://opportunities.coverletter.ro/recruit/Portal.na.(for which these T&C apply).

COVERLETTER does not guarantee the usefulness, accuracy, completeness or relevance of the materials and information published on the website. Any liability for errors or omissions with respect to published Website materials is excluded, unless this liability is caused by fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation on our part.

The information published and/or available on the Website does not constitute in any way a provision of personnel, consultancy or any other type of services. COVERLETTER expressly excludes any liability for your decisions based on the information and materials on the website.

We implement reasonable security measures that are appropriate for detecting the existence of viruses. However, you should bear in mind that the security measures in place for computer systems on the Internet are not entirely reliable and therefore we cannot guarantee the absence of viruses or any other elements that could cause changes of your computer systems or the data and files contained in your systems. It is always recommended for users to use anti-virus software for the content they download from the internet.

COVERLETTER adopted reasonable measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of www.coverletter.ro and coverletter.tech websites data transmitted through its computer system; COVERLETTER checks from time to time that the website, the server(s) and the e-mails sent by www.coverletter.ro and coverletter.tech are free of viruses or harmful components. In any case, if such harmful programs are discovered, COVERLETTER shall take all necessary and possible measures to remove the harmful program(s) and to repair the damages caused. We feel compelled to inform you that sending personal data over the Internet (via e-mail communication for example) may be exposed to security vulnerabilities. There is no possibility or method to protect personal data in an absolute manner so that it cannot be accessed by third parties.

The website provider automatically collects and stores information in the so-called server records that the user’s browser sends us automatically. This stored information may include:

Type and version of the browser used;
Type of the operating system used;
URL reference;
Hostname or device from which access was made;
Date and time the server received the information.
The abovementioned information cannot relate to a particular person individually. Moreover, we do not associate the data collected with information from other sources. However, we reserve the right to further review the information if a suspicion of illegal or unlawful use is brought to our attention.

Intellectual property
COVERLETTER owns the legal rights to use the information and materials posted on the website. Everything you see or read on the Website (such as texts and other materials) is protected by copyright, trademarks, and other intellectual property laws.

It is forbidden to make any reproduction, transformation, distribution or public communication, or to make available, extract, reuse, or otherwise use any material and/or information on this Website, except as permitted by T&C or unless the applicable law allows you to do so.

Cookie policy
Like most websites, the websites www.coverletter.ro and coverletter.tech uses cookies to offer visitors a pleasant experience when they visit our webpage. Our website uses cookies to provide better services to all users that get to us. Cookies are useful as they help to achieve user-friendly content, presented in an attractive way, helps us to make our website safer and more user-friendly.
The use of cookies is subject to the Cookie Policy, which is part of these T&C and is available here.

Personal information
The collection and use of your personal information is subject to our Privacy Policy, which is part of these Conditions of Use and is available here.

Warranties, limitation of liability
Use of the Website and/or materials and information made available through the Website is at your own risk and all elements on the Website are made available to you “AS IS” AND “AS AVAILABLE” WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED.

Applicable law and jurisdiction
Any dispute with the owner of the website shall be settled amicably by the parties’ representatives. If it is not possible to settle the disputes amicably, the parties shall refer them to the competent courts from Bucharest.

Questions, comments and requests related to the T&C must be addressed in writing to [email protected] or by a notice sent to Bucharest, Sector 1, 15 Frumoasa St., 4th Floor, Apt. 09, Post Code: 010985, Sector 1.

Thank you for visiting the websites www.coverletter.ro and coverletter.tech. We are at your disposal every day with useful information about High Availability Solutions S.R.L.


Acesti Termeni si conditii (T&C) descriu termenii si conditiile pe care fiecare parte le accepta prin utilizarea web site-urilor www.coverletter.ro si coverletter.tech 

Web site-urile www.coverletter.ro si coverletter.tech ( denumit “Website-ul”, in cele ce urmeaza) apartine societatii High Availability Solutions S.R.L., denumita in continuare “COVERLETTER”, o societate romaneasca cu sediul social in Bucuresti, Strada Frumoasa, nr. 15, Et. 4, Ap. 09, sector 1, cod postal 010985 si este inregistrata la Registrul Comertului din Bucuresti sub nr. J40/11394/2009, avand cod fiscal RO26278176.

Prin accesarea Website-ului va exprimati acordul de a va supune conditiilor si regulilor enuntate in T&C. Aceste Conditii de Utilizare pot fi modificate periodic, iar utilizarea de catre dvs. a acestui Website este supusa T&C actuale la data utilizarii Website-ului. Verificati in mod regulat aceste Conditii de Utilizare, pentru a va asigura ca sunteti de acord cu acestea. Daca nu sunteti de acord, va rugam sa nu utilizati Website-ul.

Continutul website-ului

Website-ul este utilizat in vederea conectarii cu clientii si potentialii candidati pentru pozitiile pentru care COVERLETTER asigura consultanta cu privire la recrutare, pentru a face cunoscute serviciile COVERLETTER, pentru postarea de stiri, informatii si documente de interes in privinta resurselor umane.

Persoanele juridice interesate de serviciile oferite de catre COVERLETTER pot contacta societatea prin intermediul formularului de contact sau direct, prin utilizarea datelor de contact ale societatii, din site.

Persoanele fizice care sunt interesate de anunturile privind pozitiile disponibile, pot aplica la posturile disponibile prin transmiterea unui CV si/sau completarea formularului pentru aplicare la adresa https://opportunities.coverletter.ro/recruit/Portal.na.( pentru care se aplica prezentele T&C).

COVERLETTER nu garanteaza utilitatea, precizia, exhaustivitatea sau relevanta materialelor si informatiilor publicate pe site. Orice raspundere pentru erori sau omisiuni cu privire la materialele publicate pe Website este exclusa, cu exceptia cazului in care aceasta raspundere este cauzata de frauda sau denaturarea frauduloasa din partea noastra.

Informatiile publicate si/sau disponibile pe Website nu constituie in niciun caz furnizarea de servicii de personal, de consultanta sau a oricarui alt tip de servicii. COVERLETTER exclude in mod expres orice fel de raspundere pentru deciziile luate de dvs. pe baza informatiilor si materialelor din Website.


Implementam masuri de securitate rezonabile care sunt adecvate pentru detectarea existentei virusilor. Cu toate acestea, trebuie sa aveti in vedere faptul ca masurile de securitate existente pentru sistemele informatice de pe Internet nu sunt in totalitate fiabile si ca, prin urmare, nu putem garanta inexistenta unor virusi sau a oricaror alte elemente care ar putea cauza modificari ale sistemelor dvs. informatice sau ale datelor si fisierelor continute in sistemele dvs. Intotdeauna este recomandat utilizatorilor sa foloseasca programe antivirus pentru continuturile pe care le descarca de pe Internet.

COVERLETTER a adoptat masuri rezonabile pentru a asigura securitatea si confidentialitatea datelor ce circula prin intermediul Website-urilor www.coverletter.ro si coverletter.tech si transmise prin sistemul sau informatic; COVERLETTER verifica periodic ca site-ul, serverul/serverele si mail-urile expediate de www.coverletter.ro sa nu contina virusi sau componente daunatoare. In orice caz, in cazul in care astfel de programe daunatoare sunt descoperite, COVERLETTER va face toate demersurile necesare si posibile pentru a inlatura programul/programele daunator/daunatoare si a remedia daunele produse. Ne simtim obligati a va informa ca transmiterea de date cu caracter personal pe Internet (prin comunicare pe e-mail spre exemplu) poate fi expusa unor vulnerabilitati de securitate. Nu exista nicio posibilitate sau metoda de a proteja datele cu caracter personal in mod absolut astfel incat sa nu poata fi accesate de catre terte persoane.

Providerul Website-ului, in mod automat, colecteaza si stocheaza informatii in asa numitele inregistrari ale serverului, pe care browser-ul folosit de utilizator le transmite catre noi in mod automat. Aceste informatii stocate pot include:

  • Tipul si versiunea browser-ului folosit;
  • Tipul sistemului de operare folosit;
  • Referinta URL;
  • Hostname-ul sau dispozitivul de pe care s-a facut accesarea;
  • Data si ora la care serverul a primit informatiile.

Informatiile amintite mai sus nu pot face legatura cu o anumita persoana in mod individual. De asemenea, noi nu asociem datele colectate cu informatii din alte surse. Cu toate acestea, ne rezervam dreptul de a revizui informatiile, ulterior in cazul in care o suspiciune de utilizare in mod ilegal sau fara drept este supusa atentiei noastre.

Proprietate intelectuala

COVERLETTER detine drepturile legale de utilizare a informatiilor si materialelor postate pe Website. Tot ceea ce vedeti sau cititi pe Website (cum ar fi texte si alte materiale) este protejat prin drepturi de autor, marci comerciale si alte legi privind proprietatea intelectuala.

Este interzisa efectuarea oricaror reproduceri, transformari, distribuiri sau comunicari publice, sau punerea la dispozitie, extragerea, utilizarea sau reutilizarea, in orice alt mod, orice material si/sau informatie aflata pe acest Website, cu exceptia modurilor in care acest lucru este permis prin T&C sau cu exceptia cazurilor in care legea aplicabila va permite acest lucru.

Politica de utilizare a cookie-urilor

Site-urile www.coverletter.ro si coverletter.tech folosesc, ca majoritatea website-urilor, cookies, pentru a le oferi vizitatorilor o experienta placuta atunci cand ne viziteaza pagina. Website-ul nostru foloseste cookie-uri pentru a oferi servicii mai bune tuturor utilizatorilor care ajung la noi. Cookie-urile sunt utile deoarece ajuta la realizarea unui continut adecvat utilizatorilor, prezentat intr-un mod atractiv, ne ajuta ca site-ul nostru sa fie mai prietenos utilizatorilor si mai sigur.

Utilizarea cookie-urilor se supune Politicii privind utilizarea cookie-urilor, care face parte din prezentele T&C si care este disponibila aici.

Informatii cu caracter personal

Colectarea si utilizarea informatiilor dvs. cu caracter personal se supune Politicii noastre de Confidentialitate, care face parte din prezentele Conditii de Utilizare si care este disponibila aici.

Garantii, limitarea raspunderii

Utilizarea Website-ului si/sau a materialor si informatiilor puse la dispozitie prin intermediul Website-ului este pe riscul dvs. si toate elementele de pe Website va sunt puse la dispozitie „CA ATARE” sI „ASTFEL CUM SUNT DISPONIBILE”, FARA NICIUN FEL DE GARANTIE EXPRESA SAU IMPLICITA.

Legea aplicabila si jurisdictia

Orice neintelegeri cu detinatorul Website-ului sunt rezolvate pe cale amiabila de reprezentantii partilor. In cazul in care nu este posibila rezolvarea litigiilor pe cale amiabila, partile se vor adresa instantelor judecatoresti competente din municipiul Bucuresti.


Intrebarile, comentariile si cererile referitoare la T&C trebuie adresate, in scris, catre adresa de e-mail [email protected] sau printr-o scrisoare expediata la adresa Bucuresti, Strada Frumoasa, nr. 15, Et 4, Ap. 09, Cod Postal: 010985, sector 1.

Va multumim pentru vizitarea Website-urilor www.coverletter.ro si coverletter.tech. In fiecare zi va stam la dispozitie cu informatii utile despre serviciile High Availability Solutions S.R.L.

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